The crime mapping application Crimeblips provides up-to-date crime statistics for neighborhoods throughout Berlin (Germany). The application maps, visualizes, and analyzes crime incident patterns, allowing users to identify crime hot spots, trends and general patterns. The occurrences, events and data are extracted from public press releases of the City of Berlin Police Department.
Bayesian algorithms are used to extract relevant information, the resulting statistics and visualizations can be filtered and categorized, addresses are mapped to the nearest known location. The interpretation of mapped and visualized results as well as further conclusions should be discussed with the local police departments. Future versions will provide comparisons with incident descriptions in the media, published law enforcement agency data, schools and shopping centers as well as other third party information including real estate prices and indicators.
The project development webpage can be found at and a functional version of the application resides at
Patrick Reichert
Amerikastr. 1
66482 Zweibrücken